@approx(x:numeric, y:numeric) ; listable
(x ~ y)
This predicate returns true if
abs(x - y) < $APPROX_ABS
abs((x - y)/max(x, y)) < $APPROX_RATIO
The predefined variable $APPROX_ABS
is initalized to 1e-5
so (x ~ y)
means x
and y
differ by less than 0.00001
The predefined variable $APPROX_RATIO
is initalized to 0.1
so (x ~ y)
means x
and y
differ by less than 10% .
By changing the value of these variables, one changes the level of
approximation for the following calls to @approx
. The value of
controls the absolute difference of the two arguments,
controls the relative difference. The function
returns false if the constraints on the absolute difference and the
relative difference, are not meet.
Notice: Using this function to check if a number is near zero is
adequate and amounts to looking at the absolute difference: (x ~ 0)
results in the comparaison of fabs(x)
which is compared to
while the relative difference evaluates to 1
a result of abs(x/x)
Extension: The predicate is extended in three ways to handle arbitrary data structures:
If one argument is a tab and the other is a numeric u, the numeric argument is extended into a tab (all elements of the extension are equal to u) and the predicate returns true if it hold pointwise for all elements of the tabs. For example
returns(tab[1, 2] ~ 1.000001)
because we have(1 ~ 1.000001)
but we don’t have(2 ~ 1.000001)
. -
The function accepts nested tabs as arguments and in this case distributes itself over the elements of the arrays as needed.
If the the arguments are neither a numeric nor a tab, they must be equal.