@midi2hz(reference:numeric, pitch:numeric)
@midi2hz(reference:numeric, pitch:string)
@midi2hz(reference:numeric, pitch:symbol)
For example, 69
(the midi encoding of the standard pitch A440) is
converted in 440
Hz by ::antescofo @midi2Hz(69)
. See midi
tuning and
functions @midicent2hz, @hz2midi, @hz2symb and @symb2midicent.
When a midi note is expressed symbolically (through a string or a symbol), the midi numerical coding of a pitch in midicents or in midi note is irrelevant and the function returns the same value as @midi2hz.
See also Handling Midi @hz2midi @hz2midicent @hz2symb @midi_getChannel @midi_getCommandByte @midi_getCommand @midi_getMetaType @midi_isAftertouch @midi_isController @midi_isEndOfTrack @midi_isMeta @midi_isNoteOff @midi_isNoteOn @midi_isNote @midi_isPatchChange @midi_isPitchbend @midi_isPressure @midi_isTempo @midi_read @midi_track2ascii @midi2hz @midicent2hz @symb2midicent