@gnuplot(title:string, data:tab)
@gnuplot(time:tab, data:tab)
@gnuplot(title:string, time:tab, data:tab)
@gnuplot(title1:string, time1:tab, data1:tab, title2: string, time2:tab,
data2:tab, ...)
The function @gnuplot has a variable number of arguments and cannot be curryfied. It admits five forms. See also @plot and @rplot.

The function @gnuplot plots the elements in the data tab as a time series. If data is a tab of numeric values, a simple curve is plotted: an element e of index i gives a point of coordinate (i, e). If data is a tab of tab (of p numeric values), p curves are plotted on the same window.

Each @gnuplot invocation lead to a new window. The invocation is done asynchrounously: when the function returns, the plot process is still running for its completion.

Function @gnuplot returns true if the plot succeeded, and false elsewhere.

To work, the gnuplot program must be installed on the system Cf. http://www.gnuplot.info and must be visible from the Antescofo object (on a Mac system, it can be installed through fink, macport or brew; on linux, it can be installed through the package management system). They are several ways to make this command visible and the search of a gnuplot executable is done in this order:

  • set the global variable $gnuplot_path to the absolute path of the gnuplot executable (in the form of a string);

  • alternatively, set the environment variable GNUPLOT of the shell used to launch the Antescofo standalone or the Max/PD host of the Antescofo object, to the absolute path of the gnuplot executable;

  • alternatively make visible the gnuplot executable visible from the shell used by the user shell to launch the Antescofo standalone or the Max/PD host of the Antescofo object (e.g. through the PATH shell variable).

The command is launched on a shell with the option -persistent and the absolute path of the gnuplot command file.

The data are tabulated in a file /tmp/tmp.antescofo.data.n (where n is an integer) in a format suitable for gnuplot. The gnuplot commands used to plot the data are in the file /tmp/tmp.antescofo.gnuplot.n. These two files persists between two Antescofo session and can then be used to plot with other option.

The variable $gnuplot_linestyle can be used to change the style of the lines used to conect the data points. The value must be as string giving the gnuplot name of the choosen style. The default value is "linespoints". Other possible values are: "dots", "points", "linespoints", "impulses", "steps", "fsteps", "histeps", see Gnuplot Plot style.

The @gnuplot function is overloaded and accepts a variety of arguments described below. The @gnuplot function is used internally by the special forms @plot and @rplot.

@gnuplot(title:string, data:tab)
same as the previous form, but the first argument is used as the label of the plotted curve. If data is a tab of tab, (e.g. the history of a tab valued variable), then the label of each curve takes the form title_i.

@gnuplot(time:tab, data:tab)
plots the points time[i], data[i]). As for the previous form, data can be a tab of tab (of numeric values). The time tab corresponds to the x coordinates of the plot and must be a tab of numeric values.

@gnuplot(title:string, time:tab, data:tab)
Same as the previous entry but the first argument is used as the label of the curve(s).

@gnuplot(title1:string, time1:tab, data1:tab, title2: string, time2:tab,
data2:tab, ...)
In this variant, several curves are plotted in the same window. One curve is specified by 2 or 3 consecutive arguments. Three arguments are used if the first considered argument is a string: in this case, this argument is the label of the curve. The following argument is used as the x coordinates and the next one as the y coordinates of the plotted point. The tab arguments must be tab of numeric values (they cannot be tab of tab).

See also @plot, @rplot.

See Data Exchange Functions: @dump    @dumpvar    @gnuplot    @json_read    @json_string    @json_write    @loadvalue    @loadvar    @nim2vezer    @parse    @plot    @read_file    @rplot    @savevalue    @set_osc_handling_double    @set_osc_handling_int64    @set_osc_handling_tab    @string2fun    @string2obj    @string2proc    @to_num    @xml_read    @xml_string