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ModalysControllers > Sum Controller
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Sum Controller


Outputs a one-dimensional controller which sums up the dimensions of its input controller.

(make-controller 'sum ... )

Lisp Syntax and Default Values

The 'sum controller can be created using the following Lisp syntax:

(make-controller 'sum dimension period controller)


The 'sum controller takes three arguments:

  • dimension: number of dimensions of the output controller (should be set to 1).
  • period: re-sampling period of the controller (in seconds).
  • controller: multi-dimensional input controller.

The number of dimensions should be set to 1

As always, the period defines the time between the updates of the controller. If zero is given then it updates every sample.

The input controller should be a multi-dimensional controller.


Note that this does not sum multiple controllers, but rather sums multiple dimensions within one controller.


There are no special options for this controller.

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